$25.00 USD

2 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

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30 Day Access Payment Plan

Your household will be granted 30-day access to Growing Into You!


Under this payment plan, your payment method will be charged $25 upon purchase, then another $25 when your 30 day access period ends. Once your 30 day period ends, you may purchase an additional 30 days for $49 or upgrade to Unlimited Access for $100.

This is not a subscription plan. Once you purchase the product, you cannot cancel prior to paying the full amount. If you use a coupon code, the discount will be applied to all payments.

With 30 Day Access, families also receive our monthly Growing Into You! Newsletter providing ongoing puberty talking tips, inclusive resources, and invites to exclusive events to continue the learning. 

The course can be accessed via web browser on a computer, tablet, mobile device or via the free Kajabi app available on the App Store or Google Play Store.

All sales are final. Refunds will not be issued under any circumstances. Contents of the course and Kajabi login information are not to be shared with anyone outside of your household.